Read about what we value at Pathway
At Pathway Baptist Church we are committed to following God, walking by faith and leading people to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We value:

We believe life is a gift of God to be treasured through all of its various stages.

The Lordship of Christ
Jesus Christ is head of the body of believers. We encourage submission to the Lordship of Christ in the lives of individuals and in our corporate life together as a community of believers.

The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is God’s abiding gift of Himself to every believer. We seek to cooperate with Him in the ongoing work of personal reconciliation (of ourselves to God) and transformation (to be more like Jesus).

The Word of God
We encourage active obedience to God’s Word as revealed to us in the Bible, believing it to be God’s blueprint for living.

We believe that transformation happens when we seek to follow Christ and imitate Him. This is a lifelong journey of learning that occurs through anointed teaching, personal prayer and Bible study and as we seek to model righteous living to one another, live sacrificially, serve and cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the ongoing ministry of Christ in the world.

We believe that transformation happens best in community where individuals, who are accountable to one another, can be real with one another, sharing all the joys and challenges of life as we journey together in faith.

Unity in the Body
Although we represent many different cultures and generations, we believe that we are one body united under Christ who is the head of the Church. Though we may have different perspectives, opinions, cultural backgrounds, gifts, passions and personalities, God has called us to be united in faith. We believe that each person in the body of Christ is valuable. In love we seek to be culturally sensitive without compromising doctrinal purity.

Marriage and Family
We seek to model and teach Christian marriage as biblically defined as a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman, to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life. We encourage all people to express biblical values in sexuality and family life.

Prayer is a vital component of our individual and corporate life in Christ. Through prayer God reveals his heart and mind to those who love Him. In prayer we seek to align our will with His. Prayer was a priority for the Lord Jesus; therefore, it is a priority for us.

God cares for the lost and hurting people of this world. With the Spirit’s help, we seek to be agents of reconciliation and transformation in the world, reconciling people to God through repentance and discipling them to personal transformation as they seek to follow Christ.