Learn a little bit about us + who we are
Pathway Baptist Church was formed in 2016 through the merging of Bulleen Baptist Church and SonLife Community Church. The church has had a presence, and has served God, in the Bulleen and Templestowe Lower region for over 50 years. We are a multicultural and multigenerational church that has undergone significant change in recent years as we've sought to follow God's leading, and position ourselves for effective ministry in the local area into the future.

At Pathway Baptist Church, our mission is to follow God, walk by faith and lead people to be disciples of Jesus Christ.
We seek to be a Bible based faith community that lives out the Great Commandment and the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matt 22:37-39; 28:18-20). We invite you to come and journey with us.

Senior Pastor
Pastor Glenn Koh is originally from Singapore but has called Australia home since 1996. He is married and has been in Christian ministry for 25 years. He enjoys spending time with people, and loves to listen to their stories and journey with them in their search for God. His daily regime includes enjoying a good cup of coffee and going for a 2 hour walk around a park near his home.

Associate Pastor
Pastor Caroline Donald left her job as a research scientist to become Associate Pastor at Pathway. Born in Northern Ireland, she came to Australia as a child and was invited to attend the children’s program at a local church by a friend. 30 years later she is still learning, growing and serving God in that same church! Caroline is married with 5 children and is undertaking a Master of Theological Studies at MST.

Honorary Pastor
Pastor Bruce Roberts has served the Lord in ministry for 40 years, and has ministered at Pathway since 2011. He retired from formal ministry in 2018 but remains an active part of the pastoral team in an honorary capacity. He is married with 3 children and 8 grandchildren. He loves to talk with people about how wonderful God is and how to make the Lord Jesus an essential part of their everyday walk with God.

The Leadership Team of Pathway consists of the Church Executive and Eldership. They are comprised of people from many different backgrounds and life experiences, and each one brings a wealth of gifts and talents to the leadership of the Church. They are a faithful and dedicated group who demonstrate their love for God in their sacrificial service to Him and His people.
See Our Values and Our Beliefs to learn more about us